Bay County Republican Party Mission To elect Republicans at all levels of government in Bay County, to assist in the election of Republicans at the State and Federal levels, and to promote the conservative principles of the Party. | Bay County Republican Party Vision The vision of the Bay County Republican Party is to fill public office positions in Bay County with Republican representatives governing as the majority rule. |
Countdown to General ElectionPrimary
MembershipMembership in the Bay County Republican Party demonstrates a strong commitment to the Republican Party of Bay County, MI Your support and active participation will help to elect solid Republican leaders at all levels of government and help spread the principles of our party. We are here to bridge the gap! Sign Up Today! | VolunteerTo bring change, volunteering is needed at the local level of each county, each precinct or city ward. There are many ways to get involved with the Bay County, MI Republican Party. Come to our meetings to learn about the different committees and events in place and make a difference today! |
Donation goal
Donations made to the Bay County Republican Party will be used at the best discretion of the Bay County Executive Committee and will follow the State of Michigan Campaign Finance Laws.
The purpose of most donations are to help candidates within Bay County to win their seat in the upcoming elections.
Goal: $10,000.00
Collected: $4,264.55